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Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Stanley pickle


This story is about Stanley, a boy living in a seemingly normal household. At 12 o'clock everyday, he always sees a girl outside playing with her bird. The next day, the boy realized that the bird had died after he saw her burying it. He decided to befriend her by "fixing" the bird, by putting mechanics into it, making it a robot. When she saw her "robot" bird, she was frightened. After that interaction, Stanley went back home to his robotic family, which he had made. 


I loved how at first, you're very confused on why the family is acting like a robot, but Stanley is "normal". But, in the end you realize the lever on the back of the family which indicates that they are robots. It was a huge plot twist that made the whole story make sense and more interesting. Moreover, Stanley was pictured as a very introverted character that's a bit scared of leaving the house. But, he built up courage to fix the bird. I felt like that fact made it seem like the girl is important to him, so it made him want to make her happy. However, his interpretation of "happiness(?)" is a bit unique/weird so that didn't work out... The ending was overall very sad. 

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