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Monday, June 10, 2024

Stanley Pickle


    Stanley is a shy man who is proficient in machinery. He is living with machine parents he made himself. He is interested in a certain woman but couldn't approach her due to his shy personality. One day he saw a bird the woman was playing with fall from the sky. He revives the bird by making it into a machine. He show it to the woman but the woman got scared and ran away. In the end he buries his parents.


    I think this film represents life. In the first part of this film Stanley is living with machine parents. This machine parents move exactly the same way every day. This represents a monotonous daily life. I think most people have a routine for daily life and do mostly the same thing everyday such as working and studying. In the middle of this film Stanley's monotonous life changes by meeting a woman. He tries to approach the woman by helping the bird, but ended up rejected by her. This part shows that changes may come in life, but they are not always for the better. I think that life is not always like this but this film show the though side of life. 

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