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Thursday, June 20, 2024


 Summary (less than 4 sentences)

A cop Michelin man, Pringles guys and a waitress were involved in a crime at the restaurant. Ronald from the McDonald's was the culprit. Then suddenly chasms appeared everywhere in the town. The waitress barely escaped, eventually isolated on an island surrounded by sea of oil.

As many logos as i recognized

Pringles, 76, Aston Martin, Nintendo, Pizza Hut, Michelin, Ghost Busters, Skippy, 7 Eleven, Chevrolet, Heinz, KFC, McDonald's, Haribo, Paramount, Audi, Jaguar, Dolby Studio, Starbucks, Evian, M&M's, Nespresso, BMW, Blue Tooth, Levi's, Microsoft, VAIO, Marbolo, The North Face, Adidas, IKEA, SEGA, Rolex, Walt Disney, Nike, Master Card, NASA, Subaru, Mercedes Benz.

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