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Saturday, June 15, 2024

Mantis Parable


This short animation film starts from the scene where a caterpillar is trapped in a jar. The caterpillar tries to find a way to get out but struggles. Then a mantis appears. The mantis makes fun of the caterpillar and doesn't rescue. Suddenly the mantis was covered by a jar and got caught. In the next scene the mantis is trapped in a jar. Then the caterpillar that transformed into a butterfly appears from the window and helps the mantis out.


I think that the massage of this short animation film is the importance of helping each other. When the caterpillar was trapped in the jar and the mantis appears the mantis didn't help the caterpillar out. However when the mantis was trapped in the jar the caterpillar, which had transformed into a butterfly, helped the mantis out. The mantis must have felt relieved and at the same time embarrassed when he realized how foolish he was to leave the caterpillar in the jar. By reading the mantis's feeling the viewers can understand the importance of helping others. I also think that this film teaches us what true freedom is. At the beginning of the film the mantis seemed to be free since it was not caught in a jar, but it was soon caught in a jar and loses freedom. On the other hand the caterpillar which was caught in a jar at the beginning turned into a beautiful butterfly and became free in the end. I think this shows that we can gain true freedom by being considerate of others. I personally like helping people that I know, but I always hesitate to help strangers. However after watching this film I learned the importance to help others so from now on I will not hesitate to help when I see someone having trouble.

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