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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Stanley Pickle


Stanley Pickle is a boy who lives with his parents that "malfunctions" sometimes. One day Stanley sees a girl outside of his house having a fun time with a bird but is too shy to see her face to face. The next day, Stanley peeks out of his window again and sees that the bird has died and is being buried by the girl. Stanley digs up the bird and brings it home to bring it back to life. Stanley manages to revive the bird but the bird scares away the girl. The next day Stanley's parents completely break down and Stanley buries them both. After burying his parents, Stanley happily runs into the woods. 


I thought that this was an odd film and a little bit unsettling. However, I thought the idea of using humans in a stop-motion film was brilliant and matched the atmosphere of the story. I think the creator of this story wanted to portray Stanley as someone who can't be understood by others but is also a hidden genius. The scene where Stanley performs surgery on the bird makes it look like he is a psychopath, but in reality, he is just trying to make the girl happy again. However, one great point to be discussed is why Stanley runs happily right after he buries his parents. He did look sad in the beginning but it seems like he gets over it in a few moments. I think Stanley created his parents in the first place to get over loneliness. This film needs a lot more explanation to get the full picture, but the mystery makes it very interesting and discussable. 

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