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Monday, June 24, 2024



Two police officers go throuh many events in the city while chasing the criminal.Suddenly, an earthquake happens and the city collapsed. The story satririzes the contemporary societal issues which includes commercial things.

logos Pringles,PizzaHut,Skippy,Heinz,KFC,McDonald's,Haribo,M&M's,Nespresso,Evian,Aston Martin,Chevrolet,Audi.Jaguar,BMW,Subaru,Mercedes Benz,Nintendo,Ghost Busters,Paramount,Dolby Studio,Walt Disney,SEGA,Blue Tooth,Microsoft,VAIO,Levi's,Adidas,Rolex,Nike,The North Face,7 Eleven,IKEA,Michelin,Starbucks,Master Card,,NASA ,Marlboro

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