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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

the mantis parable


a caterpillar was caught in a bottle made of glass. There were many insect specimens in the room and the caterpillar will be one soon. A mantis appeared and persuades the caterpillar to fly though the caterpillar can't. After that, the mantis was caught, but the caterpillar came back to rescue the mantis, having changed to a butterfly.


I think that the mantis really thought the caterpillar can just fly and escape, at first. Mantis wasn't taking the situation so seriously, because it didn't happen to the mantis itself. After that, the mantis was caught. There weren't the caterpillar anymore. But a butterfly came to rescue the mantis. This butterfly was the one changed from the caterpillar. Though the mantis didn't think of the caught caterpillar so seriously, the butterfly tried something magical, successfully saved the mantis. The butterfly was too kind, also can sympathize with someone so nicely. I think to be always kind like that will make one too tired. But those people look great from me.

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