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Tuesday, June 25, 2024



The story takes place in Los Angeles where everything is a brand logo. The Pringles mascot flirts with an

 Esso Girl waitress while two Michelin Man cops talk about zoo ethics. Bob’s Big Boy and Haribo skip a

 zoo tour and bother the MGM lion. The cops chase Ronald McDonald, crashes near a Pizza Hut, and

 spills weapons. After a shootout, an earthquake occurs. Big Boy and Esso Girl escape in a stolen cop car.

 Ronald crashes and gets run over. They flee the flooding city and end up on a tiny island. The film ends by

 zooming out to show California shaped like the Nike logo and the universe filled with logos. After the

 credits, a beaten Ronald McDonald says, "I’m lovin’ it."


Pizza Hut, Lego, IKEA, Oreo, Wendy’s, nitendo, domino pizza, seven eleven, yoshinoya, KFC, microsoft,

yamaha, IBM, McDonald

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