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Monday, June 10, 2024

"Stanley Pickle"

Stanley, the main character lived with doll parents. He spotted a mysterious girl from window and saw her burying a dead bird. He turned the bird to a wind-up toy, but it just ended up scaring her. As he was disappointed about it, he got tired of his mechanical parents also. He buried his parents like as the bird and went off for an adventure. 

Message of the film:

From the story, I found the themes of power of emotion and that lives can’t be replaced or recovered. 

I think the creator of the film made the contrast between human (Stanley) and the doll (his parents) to emphasize the power of emotion. Stanley, who has emotion got moved by his feelings, such as liking someone, feeling blue, disappointed. His act is coming from his emotions. On the other hand, his parents who doesn’t have emotions repeats the unchanged days and doesn’t get bored or any feelings. This contrast indicate how humans are surrounded by emotions and importance of it. 

The scene of failing to recover the bird depicts that lives can’t be replaced or recovered. He was expecting the girl to be happy by seeing the bird moving again, but that wasn’t the case. From this, he learnt that it can’t have another life and doesn’t mean a thing just because it’s moving. This shows the importance of lives and the preciousness. 

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