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Monday, June 17, 2024

The Mantis Parable


A caterpillar wakes up to find itself in a jar and struggles to escape. Hours pass until a praying mantis comes and finds the caterpillar in the jar. However, instead of saving the caterpillar, the praying mantis makes fun of the caterpillar. As the praying mantis starts heading towards the window, it gets captured and is put in a jar like the caterpillar. The praying mantis regrets how he made fun of the caterpillar instead of helping it. The story ends with a butterfly coming inside the house, and saving the praying mantis.


I think the message of the story is not to make fun of others or else, eventually, the same thing may happen to you. I also think that the butterfly that saved the praying mantis is the caterpillar. The reason why the caterpillar decided to save the praying mantis is a mystery, but I assume that it was to teach the praying mantis a lesson to be kind to others. I think the creator of this story intended this to show the importance of helping others and forgiveness. I also think the "cutting throat" sign that the praying mantis did was to scare the caterpillar that it would become a part of the bug specimen collection of the human. This story teaches a lesson on how people should be nice to one another and how some actions have consequences. 

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