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Monday, July 01, 2024

Passed the first driving test

Last week, I had a driving test of the first stage. I was nervous if I can do every missions right, but I'm happy that I could pass it without any big mistakes. Now I have to take the paper test about traffic signs and rules. They're kind of tricky so I have to study for it. If I could pass it, I can get provisional license and I'll be able to drive the real road!

My Cats

I will introduce my cats today:)
I have 2 cats of boy and girl twins. The boy’s name is Tora, and the girl’s name is Mike. Tora likes to eat and sleep, and Mike likes to play. They’re 10 years old. 

School Drama

 Recently, I've become addicted to watching Japanese school dramas from the Heisei era. They're very exciting and have a lot of romantic elements that make your heart flutter, so they're really interesting. I'll try to be careful not to stay up late watching too many dramas!


I've been thinking about getting a new guitar but its hard to choose from the big selection online. I'll think more about it before I buy one. 

Nothing much

I stayed home this weekend and worked on some of my reports.  I also practiced guitar because I will be playing Red Hot Chili Peppers in a band. I don't have much time so I'l practice as much as I can in my free time. 


 I'm taking this class on Mondays called introduction to english education. In this class, as a final project, we have to write 10 poems about the most important moments in our lives, with a description of each one. 

I just found out that the professor is grading each poem based on how well it is written and of its contents. I have no idea if any of my poems are good enough and I am starting to get worried... 

I regret taking this class every week...

driving school pt.2

 I've been going to driving school weekly nowadays.

I take two to three classes a day and I think its going pretty well. I thought I was falling behind but one of the instructors told me that I was actually on track. So that made me feel better.

overall, not bad driving?

SJS reunion

 Last weekend, I participated in a small reunion party and met my secondary school classmates after about roughly 5 years.  I was surprised to recognize everyone as they all had the same looks just that their heights had grown. I had so much fun laughing and chatting with friends, recalling the good memories we had in Singapore. What I thought was very special was we all sang "地球星歌~笑顔のために~" which we chose and won at the chorus festival back in the day. Singing with the original members was a very memorable moment and made me feel the unity once more. Some people couldn't attend due to schedules or where they live, but I  really look forward to meeting up all together soon.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

20th Birthday

 This weekend, my friends and family celebrated my birthday. Yesterday, my friends threw me a birthday party and we had fun eating and playing games. And today, I enjoyed a hotel buffet with my parents. I ate too much, so I’m stuffed. My 20th birthday celebration was very luxurious and memorable!


 I made pancakes. I wonder why it always go to the edge of the pan when I flip it.

Friday, June 28, 2024

This weekend

 Hii, this week I went to karaoke alone, although, I had my test the next day I was singing while studying. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024


 I don't know much about foreigncompany logos, but the logos I could barely find:

Macdonald, Nintendo, Hotwheels,Yoshinoya, Seven-eleven, Domino's pizza, SEGA, Taco Bell, KFC, Burger king, sprite, fanta, Big Boy, haribo, Master card, Pringles, Starbucks, M&M, Bluetooth, BMX, Rockstar, YAMAHA, Windows, Evian, The north face, Disney, Pepsi, NASA, 

I didn't expect that there are some japanese company's logo!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


This is another picture of a cat living in AGU. His name is Ikemike which stands for ikemenn na mikeneko, a handsome Calico. He is my favorite cat, but he rarely shows himself. I've only met about 5 out of 13 cats so far, so I hope I can meet other cats too!


On Saturday I went to my friend's house. We made a cat shaped cake! 🐱

Tuesday, June 25, 2024



The story takes place in Los Angeles where everything is a brand logo. The Pringles mascot flirts with an

 Esso Girl waitress while two Michelin Man cops talk about zoo ethics. Bob’s Big Boy and Haribo skip a

 zoo tour and bother the MGM lion. The cops chase Ronald McDonald, crashes near a Pizza Hut, and

 spills weapons. After a shootout, an earthquake occurs. Big Boy and Esso Girl escape in a stolen cop car.

 Ronald crashes and gets run over. They flee the flooding city and end up on a tiny island. The film ends by

 zooming out to show California shaped like the Nike logo and the universe filled with logos. After the

 credits, a beaten Ronald McDonald says, "I’m lovin’ it."


Pizza Hut, Lego, IKEA, Oreo, Wendy’s, nitendo, domino pizza, seven eleven, yoshinoya, KFC, microsoft,

yamaha, IBM, McDonald









The North Face



Seven Eleven





Pizza Hut






     Good morning, everyone. It's been hot these days, but how are you guys doing?

I'd been ill last week, but now I've recovered. Thank you.



2 Michelin characters that are cops chase Ronald McDonald who is speeding and causing chaos in the city. Unable to catch Ronald McDonald, more cops come and chase him. He eventually falls into a pit but an earthquake happens, causing a bigger problem. The earthquake stops and the camera zooms out into space with logos appearing everywhere. 


I thought this was a very high level animation but it made me wonder how they were able to use so many logos without losing a lawsuit. I think this was created as a challenge to cram as much logos in the animation without being sued. Not only was it full of humor, but it was also entertaining as an action film and I was very impressed by the visuals. I think Ronald McDonald causing chaos describes how much impact McDonalds has in the industry.

Logos recognized

Pringles, Yoshinoya, Pizza hut, michelin, seven eleven, ghost busters, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Sprite, 007, Fanta, Nintendo, Dominos, Hollywood, The North Face, Nike, pepsi, NASA, Disney, MasterCard, Milky Way

My weekend

 I had a fairly busy weekend with a book report due, but I was able to relax and enjoy my weekend. I really need to work on my Spanish, so I'll study it this week. 

Monday, June 24, 2024



In the animated short film "Logorama," a city constructed entirely from logos faces chaos when Ronald McDonald goes on a destructive rampage. Michelin Man police officers pursue him, while Esso Girl rescues Big Boy amidst the turmoil. An earthquake strikes, causing the city to collapse, but Esso Girl and Big Boy escape to find peace away from the logo-filled world.


"Logorama" was a very creative and entertaining film. It used well-known logos in clever ways to tell an exciting story. The film is funny but also made me think about how much logos and brands are part of our lives. The animation is unique, and the story is fast-paced and engaging. Overall, "Logorama" was a fun and thought-provoking film that is enjoyable to watch.

Book Report

 For my second book report, I chose “Animal Farm” by George Orwell. This book focuses on the conflict between the farm animal and the human, Mr.Jones. It was very interesting to read making me want to know what will happen in the next chapter.



Two police officers go throuh many events in the city while chasing the criminal.Suddenly, an earthquake happens and the city collapsed. The story satririzes the contemporary societal issues which includes commercial things.

logos Pringles,PizzaHut,Skippy,Heinz,KFC,McDonald's,Haribo,M&M's,Nespresso,Evian,Aston Martin,Chevrolet,Audi.Jaguar,BMW,Subaru,Mercedes Benz,Nintendo,Ghost Busters,Paramount,Dolby Studio,Walt Disney,SEGA,Blue Tooth,Microsoft,VAIO,Levi's,Adidas,Rolex,Nike,The North Face,7 Eleven,IKEA,Michelin,Starbucks,Master Card,,NASA ,Marlboro

Book report


Sunday, June 23, 2024



In a world where everything is represented by logos, McDonald's goes out of control, causing chaos in the city and Michelin police officers are called in, and while Esso Girl rescues Big Boy, who has been caught up in McDonald's crime, a major earthquake occurs and the city collapses. Big Boy and Esso Girl escape and find peace of mind in a place away from the world.


I felt that this film contained criticism of the companies that encourage people's excessive consumption in the real world. It could be seen as suggesting that the world is falling apart in various ways as many companies continue to pursue profits while satisfying people's desires. At the end, after Big Boy and Esso Girl escape from the city and end up spending a relaxing and comfortable time at their destination, a universe made up of many logos appears, which I felt was conveying that the world we live in can no longer be free from such companies.


Malibu, Stop and Shop, Pringles, McDonalds, LEGO, Randy’s Donuts, Wendy’s, Pizza Hut, Billboard, Esso, Nintendo, Champion, 7-Eleven, EBay, Levi’s, Michelin, KFC, Ghostbusters, Heineken, Lucasfilm, Fanta, Burger King, Diesel, Big Boy, Haribo, Coca Cola, Master Card, Starbucks, M&Ms, Subway, Lacoste, Apple, Nike, etc.

First Live Performance

 The a cappella club I belong to had its first live performance for first-year students. About 20 bands participated, and at the end we voted to determine the rankings. Our band came in third. We were aiming for first place, so it was a little disappointing, but it also made us feel like we can grow even more from now on. After the performance, I went out to eat with the band members and talked about the live. I'm looking forward to singing with the same members again!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Identity V

 I've been playing this game called Identity V for about 4 years now. I like playing of course, but I've been enjoying watching the tournaments of this game. I'm a big fan of this team called Zeta Division. You guys should watch e-sports tournaments too. its really interesting


My uncle gave our family a bottle, written "BAILEY'S".

The liquid is sand colour and muddy, tastes really sweet but includes 17% alcohol.
Dangerous to drink directly, so usually blend with milk or fizzy.
Though I did so, my sight is going around. I should drink some water.


I had Russian class today.
Recently, Russian letters look less like the English alphabets than before.
This means that I am adapting to the Cyrillic alphabet. 
They were totally meaningless to me when I started learning, so I'm actually surprised.

I will write down some phrases. 
"карандаш" means pencil, and pronounced like "karandash".
Also, you may have heard of "Здравствуйте". It sounds like "zdrastvitse" and this is a formal greeting which can be use at any time. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Dance practice

 Last Saturday I rented a dance studio an practiced dancing alone. I practiced for 2 hours and a half. I learned about 7 choreographies of my favorite songs. I was very tired at the end but it was really fun. I hope I can improve my dancing skills even more.

Cha Cafe do

Yesterday, I want to Cha Cafe do, the cafe placed near building 7. 
I had french toast, the signature menu of this cafe. It was really thick and bigger than I imagined. It was fluffy and melting inside! I had it after lunch so I got so full. 


Michelin man, the cops found the wanted, Ronald McDonald. Ronald McDonald was escaping and was being aggressive to other citizens. While they were in conflict on chasing and escaping, the earthquake happened suddenly. The city collapsed, and Ronald McDonald fell into cracks in the ground. The big boy and Esso oil drop girl escaped together and saved their lives on the only part remained in the mountains. 

Logos I noticed:

Pringles, Lego, Stussy, Pizza-Hut, Yoshinoya, Seven Eleven, Domino’s Pizza, Nomurashoken, Ghost busters, KFC, Fanta, Sprite, Burger King, Diesel, Taco Bell, Michelin, Halibo, Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Evian, Mastercard, McDonald, Shell, Starbucks, Subway, M&Ms, MTV, Levi’s, Yahoo, Nintendo, Dunkin Donut, Lacoste, playboy, bluetooth, BMW, Marshmallow man, Windows, Yamaha, The North Face, Apple, IKEA, Walt Disney, NASA, Universal studio, Dole, Pepsi


 My favorite artist EVNNE released a new song "Badder Love". The song was really good so please listen to it!

Thursday, June 20, 2024


 Summary (less than 4 sentences)

A cop Michelin man, Pringles guys and a waitress were involved in a crime at the restaurant. Ronald from the McDonald's was the culprit. Then suddenly chasms appeared everywhere in the town. The waitress barely escaped, eventually isolated on an island surrounded by sea of oil.

As many logos as i recognized

Pringles, 76, Aston Martin, Nintendo, Pizza Hut, Michelin, Ghost Busters, Skippy, 7 Eleven, Chevrolet, Heinz, KFC, McDonald's, Haribo, Paramount, Audi, Jaguar, Dolby Studio, Starbucks, Evian, M&M's, Nespresso, BMW, Blue Tooth, Levi's, Microsoft, VAIO, Marbolo, The North Face, Adidas, IKEA, SEGA, Rolex, Walt Disney, Nike, Master Card, NASA, Subaru, Mercedes Benz.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Mantis Parable


A larva of mantis tries to escape from a jar.

Another mantis comes to him and tells that he will be killed if he doesn’t escape from the jar. Finally a butterfly and fireflies come  to help him and he manages to escape from the jar. 


I think this video represents the importance of helping each other. If the butterfly and fireflies didn’t come to help him, he would have died to be a specimen. But as you see in the video, the mantis manages to escape from the jar and gets freedom. And also, the video represents that even though it looks impossible to do something, there is always a way to do and you should not just give up what you want or what you want to do. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024



The film, composed of logos and brand names, tells the story of a criminal chase unfolding through a dystopian landscape of recognizable logos. The Mc. donal character represents a criminal and Bib Gourmand as a cop. The scene ended up entire city collapsed due to an earthquake.


Logorama serves how branding culture deeply rooted in our lives. By playfully recontextualizing stmbols associated with brands and mascots, the film encourages viewers to reconsider their thoughts and perceptions with these ubiquitous logos of consume cultures. 


 logos I recognize (sorry its long I did this while watching)


t mobile

dairy queen

stop and shop

best buy


home depot



pizza hut


hot wheels



taco bell






diet dr pepper






mr clean










sc johnson


best western



carl's jr

dunkin donuts




national car rental

sex pistols


mega bucks





jack daniels





national geographic

the north face

south park


animal planet


walt disney








milky way



Michelin Men who are police in their world pursues Ronald McDonald, a thief and a killer. This leads to chaos and destruction. A massive earthquake ultimately disrupts the city, worsening the situation. 

This short film was very chaotic and was hard to follow(That may be because I was focused on noticing the logos).  But I honestly did not understand the moral of the story. It just seemed as though Ronald McDonald tried to commit a crime but couldn't get away with it because of the earthquake. I also wasn't sure about the side story about the boy from the zoo and the lady working at the diner running away. However, I think it was showing the bad aspects of consumerism, and how too much can bring the entire industry down.



In a world full of brands and logos, the clown which was from mcdonalds' brand logo, was a criminal with the police being michilin character. And while the police were chasing the clown, the world started to "break", by earthquakes and ended up being submerged with water. 

the logos

mcdonalds, big boy, pringles, haribo, evian. subway, m&m, masterscard, BMW, colgate, taco bell, lego, hollywood, the north face, marlboro, 7/11, KFC, Heinz, visa, adobe, apple, walt disney, milkyway, 

My high school friends

 I went to Odaiba with my high school friends. We went to kushiya monogatari. It's basically an all you can eat skewer restaurant. It was delicious, but I work at a different skewer shop, so I'm getting bored of the skewer flavor. 

The Mantis Parable.

(Really concise) Summary

The story follows a caterpillar that wakes up in a jar inside an insect collection room. As the caterpillar tries and escape the jar, he is met with a mantis that happened to stun blue upon the room and the jar. The mantis refuses to help the caterpillar and suggests the mantis to kill itself and give up. The mantis is then  captured (ironic) but the caterpillar helps the mantis escape after turning into a butterfly. 


I believe that this is a video set to show a very important message of morality and respect towards people. In our day and age, we tend to ignore the troubled and refuse to help others because we don’t want to be involved with them in anyway possible, or because we already have matters of our own and don’t have the leeway to help others when we can’t even help ourselves. The Mantis parable shows how ignoring what you can change right now will kickback to you bigger later on, and how important it is to help others for it will bring you growth and success later on. After the mantis is captured in the jar with a dully shut lid, he almost gives up on his escape. He regrets and remembers about how he told the caterpillar to kill itself and give up. He has a flashback on his actions and wish he had never said so. This part also shows heavy essences of irony and karma. While there is no words displayed in the film, you can tell how his actions against the trapped caterpillar and refusal to acknowledge his need of help is reflected against his current position in that scene. If he had helped the caterpillar when he could, he would likely have not been met with the fate he faced in the trapped jar. The jar lid being shut for the mantis when the caterpillar’s jar was open also is a representation of how doing something wrong will come back to you with a even bigger force. 

What do I want to be in the future?

 I recently think about my future and every time I think about it, I end up being really depressed because I really have no idea what I want to do. I hope I can find something over the next few years :)


 I went to the Miss DIOR exhibition in Roppongi yesterday. I bought some lip sticks and a perfume💞

The announcement of absence

 Good morning Mr Armstrong and everyone in 1B class. This is Rick. As the title says I have to take absence, because I woke up to find that I can’t stop coughing, which can be annoying and totally disrupt the class. I do apologize for my absence, which is definitely not the first time, and I’ll surely be coming next week to submit the book report.


Sincerely Rick

The mantis parable


A caterpillar is captured in a bottle and tries to get out from it but fails many times. A mantis was looking at that sight, but soon was caught instead of the caterpillar. It was hopeless to escape, but a butterfly (which was the captured caterpillar in the beginning) and fireflies came in and freed the mantis.


When I saw this video for the first time, I couldn't understand where the butterfly came from so I was surprised to see it was the caterpillar captured in the first scene. I thought this story is about the importance of helping each other and growth of creatures.

The mantis parable

 It was difficult for me to determine why the mantis refused to help the worm out, but I think i got it after some consideration. The mantis didn't help the worm because it totally wouldn’t survive in nature. Worm is like the absolute bottom of the predator’s pyramid, and literally any creatures or insects bigger than them, including the mantis can kill and eat them. I think that the decapitation gesture that mantis made was to suggest just that. Rather than just being mean, I think It was rather to suggest that you would want to be here rather than getting out and being eaten instantly. But providing that the mantis got trapped soon after, it might be wrong to think this way, but I had a thought based on how nature works, which led to this thought.

the mantis parables

A caterpillar is stuck inside a jar wanting to get out. Later appears a mantis which was not helping the caterpillar. Letting it be stuck.

Opinion I think the message of the story was that although someone has done unfavorable things to you you must be willing to help does.who did you wrong. The mantis was not willing to help the caterpillar get outside of The jar but later the mantis also got stuck in the jar. The caterpillar which has turned into a butterfly help the mantis escape which tell a irony.

an average week

This weekend was a normal one on Saturday I went to edogawa for my sport practice after which me and my friend went to a ramen shop.
On Sunday I went to my friends house to teach him guitar.
I'm looking forward this week too.

How are you?

  Good Morning, everybody. Let's meet in the class today. I hope you guys are doing well.

The Mantis Parable


A desperate caterpillar was trapped in a jar and struggled for freedom. A praying mantis was looking at it and soon got trapped instead of the caterpillar. It has no hope to escape, however,  a transformed butterfly, the former caterpillar, came to the mantis and frees the mantis with kindness.


I think this story tells us that you should not see somebody as inferior and If you do that, you will be the same, you will regret it when you become the reverse. The mantis really shows that situation. At First he was making fun of the caterpillar, and for me the sign that the mantis made looked like saying "I will kill you.". Later when he was caught, he reminded the attitude toward the caterpillar regretfully. However, the caterpillar was so generous that he came to save him. I think what the caterpillar did shows unconditional love like from the bible. I think that's why this story is called "Parable". 

Monday, June 17, 2024

I don't like summer!

It has been hot lately. which means summer is coming soon...

I don't like summer! It's because it humid and so hot outside, there are bugs everywhere, and sunlight glare causes eye pain!

But there are some fun events during summer, like summer festival, and going the sea, 

so anyway, let's just hang in there and survive this extreme heat. :p

About The mantis parable


A caterpillar wakes up to find himself trapped in a jar in a human room. He attempts to escape but fails. A mantis enters the room through a window and tries to help the caterpillar, but the human captures the mantis. Eventually, the caterpillar escapes, uses his magical powers to open the jar, and the two fly away together.

my opinion

'the mantis parable' seemed to teach the importance of helping others and that it is very important to return the zuon to those who help you.

World of Tanks Blitz!!!

Do you know the smartphone game World of Tanks Blitz?
It's also known as WoTB. I often play it and sometimes lose time to do assignments.
You can manipulate tanks like other fps games. You should check it out.

Guitar strings

Recently, one of my guitar strings broke and I restrung them. Restringing guitar strings takes time at first but you get much better at it as you repeat it. There are many tutorial videos online so you can get used to it step by step. 

The Mantis Parable


A caterpillar wakes up to find itself in a jar and struggles to escape. Hours pass until a praying mantis comes and finds the caterpillar in the jar. However, instead of saving the caterpillar, the praying mantis makes fun of the caterpillar. As the praying mantis starts heading towards the window, it gets captured and is put in a jar like the caterpillar. The praying mantis regrets how he made fun of the caterpillar instead of helping it. The story ends with a butterfly coming inside the house, and saving the praying mantis.


I think the message of the story is not to make fun of others or else, eventually, the same thing may happen to you. I also think that the butterfly that saved the praying mantis is the caterpillar. The reason why the caterpillar decided to save the praying mantis is a mystery, but I assume that it was to teach the praying mantis a lesson to be kind to others. I think the creator of this story intended this to show the importance of helping others and forgiveness. I also think the "cutting throat" sign that the praying mantis did was to scare the caterpillar that it would become a part of the bug specimen collection of the human. This story teaches a lesson on how people should be nice to one another and how some actions have consequences. 

break from my part time job

 On Saturday, after the university club, I went out with my friends in the club.Almost everyday I work so I played with my friends for the first time in a while. I enjoyed my time with my friends.

Mantis Parable

 summary In the first scene, a caterpillar gets caught in a jar and couldn't get out.The mantis was there but didn't try to help the caterpillar.After a while, the mantis gets caught in the jar. Although the mantis didn't help the caterpillar, after transforming into a butterfly, the butterfly( a catepillar before) helped the mantis.

opinion In the scene the mantis gets caught in the jar, I think it issues "What comes around gets around". Because the mantis didn't help the caterpillar it came back to him. So in the whole story, I think it wants to tell that it is imortant to help each other.The mantis could never get out of the jar without the butterfly's help. It's important that we help each other because with other's cooperations, we could accomplish things that we can't do alone.

Last Sunday

 Last Sunday I met my friend from high school. I hadn't seen her since we graduated, I was really happy to see her again. We went to Ueno to eat hamburgers and to see the Museum. We stayed there until 8pm sharing any kind of story in university. I hope to see her again in a few months. 

"The Mantis Parable"


The caterpillar was putted in a jar. It kept tried over and over to get out of it.The mantis came close to the caterpillar, but didn’t rescue just made fun of it. Soon after, the mantis got trapped too. Fireflies and a butterfly, possibly the grown caterpillar in the beginning came to help. The mantis was able to get out from the jar. 

Message of the story:

I think the message of this story is that we shouldn’t ignore someone who’s help in need, thinking it’s other people’s business. 

The story made sarcasm about the mantis, ended up rescued by the one it made fun of and ignored. It’s easy to just leave people in need, but the story tells us that you going to get karma about it. 

As a comparison, the caterpillar is depicted as the ideal being. It emphasize the kindness of the caterpillar, came to help the mantis no matter if it treated bad to itself. It shows how the act of goodwill can save others and can achieve what can’t be done alone. 

mantis parable

 The story begins with a caterpillar caught by an insect collector. He tries to escape but he can't. One day, a mantis came and mocks him. Soon the mantis was caught and also couldn't escape. He understands his fate. Later on, the caterpillar transformed into a butterfly and came to save him. And he saved.

The plot and the theme were simple. The mantis symbolized pride and overestimated abilities. The story's lesson is to not mock others or it will turn back. Also, the role of the caterpillar creates a message of "mercy is not just for others" and forgiveness since he never bothered Mantis's attitude. 

Also, I like this beautiful piano piece which creates the setting simple and  peaceful

Saw my best friend

On Saturday, I saw my friend for the first time in 3 years!
She's my best friend since elementary school, and I'm happy that we can still see each other.
I moved out from middle school so we live little far away, but luckily our universities are placing close! I'm excited that we can hang out more easily than before:)

Chinese restaurant

There is an amazing Chinese restaurant right next to the nearest McDonalds

you can have this dish with 
rice, salad, soup, rice cracker, 杏仁豆腐,ザーサイ,烏龍茶 and coffee (食べ放題and 飲み放題)

and only cost 500YEN 

I highly recommend going here but the floor is kind of sticky. The taste was solid.


 I was at work until closing time and my shift was supposed to end at 9:30. But cleaning up took time and we didn't have much staff to do it. So I told the manager that I would be able to stay for MAX 30 minutes. Otherwise I would miss the last train (I know, its pretty early). Well, I clocked out at 10:15, pushing the limit and I ran to go get changed and get to the station. I made it in time just to see that the trains were running 25 minutes late! I missed that last train to the closest station to my house and had to wake my mom up via phone call to ask her to pick me up (thank god I still live with my parents)

Anyway, lesson of the week: don't offer to stay late after your shift. you will probably regret it.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Mantis Parable


A caterpillar is trapped in a bug-collector's jar and struggles desperately to escape. A praying mantis appears and the caterpillar begs for help, but the mantis refuses to help and mocks the caterpillar. In the next moment, the mantis is caught and finds itself in the jar. When the mantis is regretting his attitude towards the caterpillar and despairing, the caterpillar, transformed into a butterfly, appears and rescues the mantis from the jar.

My opinion 

I felt that the relationship between the caterpillar and the praying mantis in this film showed the lesson that "No good deed goes unrewarded." The praying mantis saw the caterpillar in trouble and gave up and abandoned it without making any particular effort to help it. I thought that the caterpillar's despair at that time must have been immeasurable, but despite that, after turning into a butterfly, the caterpillar came to help the praying mantis, who was in a similar situation. I was able to see the virtue of forgiveness in the caterpillar's decision, and at the same time, it seemed to me that this decision was made with consideration of the impact it would have on the mantis's future existence. I believe that the caterpillar's wise and kind decision to not create a cycle of mutual abandonment brought about a change inside the praying mantis, and that the caterpillar would be able to see itself as a possible target for the mantis' good deeds in the future.

Fucc my mental issues

 I’m always depressed. I’m always pissed off. I’m always anxious. I’m always lonely. I’m always miserable. I gave up shitty bottles of cough drops. I gave up damn razor. I no longer pop whole bottle of pills. I no longer slit my arm. I’m miserable. Maybe I can jump out of a widow of 15th building. I can mess up everything. Fucc professors, fucc master or doctor students, fucc uni staffs, fucc security guards, fucc other students. Fucc them all. 

I won’t die. I’m not allowed to die. I live and study like a zombie. No happiness, no joy, no relief. I only do what I am supposed to do. My life does not worth living. It even doesn’t worth giving up.

I post on IE3 blog as I am supposed to. I’ll get my credit. Bye 

Huh? You mean I need go to another uni?

 My favourite professor advised me that I should go to another university. He said I might not be able to study linguistics enough here. Noooo😭This is my second university. I don’t wanna take another entrance exam and waste time. I need to find a teacher to give me proper advice on my study. I think the border between performative and constative utterance is actually blur. 

Pure Giri

 The other day, I attended an event called “Pure Giri” featuring Tsuyoshi Domoto and some comedians at Tokyo Dome City Hall. The event was organized by the company my mother works for, so I was given special permission to take a look behind the scenes. It was fascinating to see and hear how the event was put together, including the communication between the performers and staff and the setup of the venue.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Mantis Parable


This short animation film starts from the scene where a caterpillar is trapped in a jar. The caterpillar tries to find a way to get out but struggles. Then a mantis appears. The mantis makes fun of the caterpillar and doesn't rescue. Suddenly the mantis was covered by a jar and got caught. In the next scene the mantis is trapped in a jar. Then the caterpillar that transformed into a butterfly appears from the window and helps the mantis out.


I think that the massage of this short animation film is the importance of helping each other. When the caterpillar was trapped in the jar and the mantis appears the mantis didn't help the caterpillar out. However when the mantis was trapped in the jar the caterpillar, which had transformed into a butterfly, helped the mantis out. The mantis must have felt relieved and at the same time embarrassed when he realized how foolish he was to leave the caterpillar in the jar. By reading the mantis's feeling the viewers can understand the importance of helping others. I also think that this film teaches us what true freedom is. At the beginning of the film the mantis seemed to be free since it was not caught in a jar, but it was soon caught in a jar and loses freedom. On the other hand the caterpillar which was caught in a jar at the beginning turned into a beautiful butterfly and became free in the end. I think this shows that we can gain true freedom by being considerate of others. I personally like helping people that I know, but I always hesitate to help strangers. However after watching this film I learned the importance to help others so from now on I will not hesitate to help when I see someone having trouble.

Mantis parable


This story is mainly about karma and treating people right. The caterpillar in the jar begs to the mantis to let him out of the jar which is his prison, but all the mantis does is make fun of him by gesturing a “your going to die”. But then the human catches the mantis while he’s too distracted. In the end the caterpillar turned into a butterfly and helped the mantis escape.


The story mainly revolves around the fact that no matter what someone is going through we must treat them fairly and with respect. While the butterfly might not get anything in return when he saves the mantis, he still decides to help him, because it’s the morally right thing to do, and I really think this short movie teaches people a good nessage.

Friday, June 14, 2024

The mantis parable


The scene starts with one caterpillar put inside the jar, and even though the ctapilllar tries to escape from it, they cannot. One day one mantis came in front of the jar, gesturing that the caterpillar would not escape from the situation eternally. However, the mantis was caught by a human and put inside the jar like caterpillar did. The mantis needed desperate hope. Suddenly, the butterfly appeared in front of the mantis and helped them to escape. 



The message of the "Mantis Parable" is that we must never laugh at the misfortune of others, especially lower because we do not know what will happen in the future. The story it's about a mantis who didn't take seriously the catapiller's situation and was making fun of him. But when the caterpillar was about to leave without helping the mantis, he also was captured. When the Mantis realized what was happening he remembered the mantis and regretted what he did. Sometime later he was rescued by the mantis which has become the butterfly. 

The mantis parable


A caterpillar was captured and in a jar. There were some insectes specimens in the room. Maybe it was captured to be one. A mantis appeared in the room and tried to communicate with the caterpillar. He seemed to be mocking the caterpillar. Soon after the mantis was captured and the caterpillar disappeared. The mantis tried to fly away but it couldn’t. A cap was attached to the jar. Suddenly a butterfly and some fireflies appeared and removed the cap by wind power. The mantis was weakened and the rescue bugs carried it out of the window.


Don’t mock or make fun of those who are in hard situations. Next  might be your turn.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Tokyo Skytree

 On Wednesday I went to Tokyo Skytree. I went to the viewpoint 350m and 450m above the ground. The night view was so beautiful. It was the first time for me to go there so I had a lot of fun!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

New job as a host boy

 I got a new job as a companion boy, a host boy.

I work at AKON host club in ikebukuro. Most of my customers will be English speakers.I need more Japanese speaking customers for my colleagues. Ppl of any gender are welcome. If you wanna try a host club, contact me. It won’t be too expensive if you don’t buy fancy champagne or brandy bottles.

the mantis parable


a caterpillar was caught in a bottle made of glass. There were many insect specimens in the room and the caterpillar will be one soon. A mantis appeared and persuades the caterpillar to fly though the caterpillar can't. After that, the mantis was caught, but the caterpillar came back to rescue the mantis, having changed to a butterfly.


I think that the mantis really thought the caterpillar can just fly and escape, at first. Mantis wasn't taking the situation so seriously, because it didn't happen to the mantis itself. After that, the mantis was caught. There weren't the caterpillar anymore. But a butterfly came to rescue the mantis. This butterfly was the one changed from the caterpillar. Though the mantis didn't think of the caught caterpillar so seriously, the butterfly tried something magical, successfully saved the mantis. The butterfly was too kind, also can sympathize with someone so nicely. I think to be always kind like that will make one too tired. But those people look great from me.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Mantis Parable


A caterpillar is trapped in a glass jar, unable to escape. A fly and mantis climbs through the open window, sees the caterpillar, seems to taunt the insect help hostage by showing off how free they are. The mantis gestures that the caterpillar will die in the jar, only to be captures moment later. The mantis regrets making fun of the caterpillar, now that it is faced with the same fate. Suddenly, a butterfly appears, the caterpillar from earlier having gone through metamorphosis, comes with a swarm of fireflies and succeed in breaking the mantis out of its prison.

what is the message of the parable/the moral teaching?

-what comes around does not have to go around

-love your neighbors

This weekend

 Honestly, I didn't do anything this weekend except for working at my part-time job and going on a walk with my dog. I'm a pretty introverted person so I like boring and relaxing weekends like these. 

Stanley Pickle


A boy lives in a house in countryside. He lives with his parents who seem to be a little bit strange. Sometimes his parents stop moving or repeat dumbass movement. He has crush on a girl who frequently comes to the grassland around his house. One day he saw her  bury her bird. He saw her grieve. He dug up the bird and revived it mechanically. He gave it back to her but she rejected. She got scared and shocked.The boy was also shocked. He learned something. He decided to let his parents rest for good.He left home.


The boy was dependent on his parents and introversive.He lived in his world. He was too shy to talk to the girl whom he was interested in. He had secret equipments and techniques to revive dead bodies. He kept his parents alive mechanically. He could not live without them. He even revived the girl’s bird. He believed it good to keep everything alive forever. The girl rejected the revived bird and he found out that he was wrong. He gave up his dead parents and left home. This means he learned something from the girl. Maybe that was the end of his childhood.

Mantis Parable


This story is about a mantis being trapped in a jar by humans. And different kinds of bugs try to help the mantis out, until the fire fly and the butterfly succeeded in getting the mantis out. 


I thought it was a very simple story with a very simple ending. I liked how the mantis used to be a larva, and when it grew to be an adult mantis, it probably thought "Oh, I can fly out of the jar now!" but, it couldn't because the human closed the jar. It made me think of life because I feel like life gets harder as you grow up. Eventually, the fireflies opened up the jar to help the mantis out, and I felt like that symbolized how everybody needs help and cooperation. 

volleyball circle

 I went on a circle trip? to Yamanashi two weekends ago. 

We practiced a lot the first day and many of the seniors got wasted that night and didn't come to practice the following day. 

Overall, it was really fun and I'm glad I was able to become friends with many of the girls in my grade.

Stanley Pickle


A boy who lives with his mechanical, dead parents realizes that he is doing something wrong. Finally, he buries his parents and leaves his house. 


I think this film describes how the boy develops personally and mentally. At first, the boy looks sad, even though he is with his family. He seems to live an ideal life with his dead parents but I think he is not satisfied at all. And at the end of this film, when he buries his parents and leaves his house, he looks happy even though he is not with his parents. 

Stanley pickle

 Stanley pickle is a 20 year old man who thinks he’s normal and likes to make robots. One day he finds a girl playing with her bird outside and is intrigued by her. Next day the bird dies, and he wants to help her so he makes her a new robot bird and she gets scared and runs. The biggest twist is that his parents have died and he tried to fix them by turning them into robots.


It’s a pretty good short movie, I’m still not sure what the message was but it’s a good story about loneliness and heartbreak, I feel bad for Stanley pickle, he doesn’t know right or wrong, and the biggest twist is that his parents are dead was shocking.


 On Saturday I went to Meiji-jingu Baseball Stadium to watch a game of Tokyo Yakult Swallows vs Hokkaido Nippon-ham Fighters (the team I love💞)

Though Fighters lost the game, it was fun to watch. I was happy to see my favourite player making a hit. I'm sure he's gonna do great this season.

My wack sleep schedule

Recently my sleep schedule has been slowly but surely going off track. For some reasons if been difficult to fall a sleep. I would like to work in fixing my sleep schedule if you have any advice, PLEASE HELP ME.

Stanley pickle reaction

The story starts at a country side forest, where man lives in a huge with his creations. One day the man falls in love with a girl, in a effort to impress her, the man revived her deceased bird.

The film discovers the topic of holding on and what it takes to be happy. The scene where the man dreamed of the girl runnin 
G around the woods thinking she would give him happiness.
At the end after being rejected by the girl the man fanaly understood the importance of letting go and that happiness is archive by ones self not by others. The part here the man run through the woods like how he dreamed of the girl doing was I think a metaphor for that idea him achieving happiness on his own.

stanley pickle


A boy lives with his mother and father. He looks out the window to see a girl playing outside everyday but he's too shy to talk with her. One day the girl was crying because her pet bird died. Trying to make her happy, the boy turns the dead bird into a mechanical doll. But when the time came to show it to her, the girl ran away, screaming because she was horrified with the completely changed appearance. Shocked at the girl's behavior, the boy goes back to his house, buries his parents; who were also "repaired" by the boy.


I first thought that the family's ways of moving didn't have any reasons, so it was pretty shocking when it turned out that the boy's parents were mechanical dolls. The boy seemed to have trouble getting along with others. Maybe he turned his dead parents into robots because he didn't want to feel lonely. But through the girl's reactions, the boy realized that what he was doing was terrifying, and stops doing it. I thought the last scene means the boy's new step to his life.


 I love barley tea recently, but it makes my throat itchy. So I have a dilemma about that.

Stanley Pickle


 Stanley Pickle, a young man living with his mechanised family, found a girl playing with a bird outside the window. One day, he witnessed the bird's death and that the girl was in sorrow. He tried to cheer her by reviving the bird using his mechanical skills, but unfortunately his favor didn't work. He reflected on his actions, packs his things, and ventures into the forest with determination.


I think this story describes how people can't let their past go. I can relate to Stanley, because I often miss those old days and think if only I could go back to the past. I think what was also bad to Stanley was his ability because he could make his old days back by making creatures mechanical dolls. However, what is sarcastic about what Stanley was doing is Stanley had to wind up the machines to get  the eternity and Stanley looked feeling annoying about that. I think he wanted to change but there were no chances to change until the girl went away from him.

Stanley Pickle evaluation and summary


The story follows Stanley, an engineering genius that lives in a house situated in the middle of nowhere, with his two “mechanical” parents. In the story, we are shown about his daily life where he wakes up in his child sized bedroom, eats breakfast with his parents, in which seem to be “looping”. We then are introduced to a girl outside of Stanley’s house. Stanley is very shy and tries to talk to her but can not. That is when the girl’s pet bird dies and is buried. Stanley sees this and tries to revive the bird by mechanizing it and giving it to the girl as a gift. She is terrified and runs away. Stanley snaps back to reality and moves on with his life by burring his now broken parents. 


I think this story was a very interesting one and gave me a lot of views to what it might mean. The biggest one being that Stanley Pickle is a video for us to reassure ourselves about our future and to let go of what we no longer have. In this case; Stanley’s parents. During the short film, there is no hint of his Parents being mechanical up until the bird surgery scene. It is only then when us as the viewers realize Stanley’s intelligence and sort of wicked sense of love towards his family or “past” family members. I say past because of how his parents being mechanical symbolizes the death of his two former procreators. Stanley seems to not be able to let go of the fact that his family is no longer with him and chooses to keep them in a mechanical limbo state in as if they were alive. It is even more obvious when you look at his room. While he is a grown man, he is sleeping in a kids bedroom and playing with toys or reading books on his bed like a kid in his room. This leads me to speculate that his parents have passed away when Stanley was very young, and at a time where he loved his parents the most. This value of not being able to let go in Stanley is also prominent in the scene where he tries and revive the bird by mechanizing it and giving it to the girl. However, we get to see a state of change and growth in Stanley Pickle as well. When Stanley is rejected of the bird and scares off the girl, he was able to snap back to reality and revalue his love and affection for his family. He chooses to let go of his past he loved dearly, (so much that he forced to continue it) and we are met with a scene with Stanley dancing and running with joy and a sense of relief as if a huge weight on his shoulders were lifted off from him. This message is very important in our daily lives because we as humans, tend to love something so much that we forget the general value they used to have towards said thing and refuse to let go. We refuse to let go of the things we love although holding on to what’s left is what hurts the most and letting go as “it is what it is” and embracing the truth is far better for us. 

I didn't know how to accentuate alphabets

 I didn't know it either until yesterday,(and I didin't know wth is accentuate mean too.) but I am going to teach you how to type accents in the alphabet in windows for people in the same situation as me. 

First, press the 半角/全角(Usually it's the top of left) key.

Then hold down the shift key & press the key of the letter you want to accentuate.

Then the predictive conversion appears on the screen and you press the tab key, bang! End.

I hope this helps! :p

about stanley pickle


This is a short film about a young man named Stanley who lives alone in his house with only mechanical toys, robots, amd his mechanizeted family.  In the middle of the story, he saw a normal girl named Jennifer outside. Stanley wated to know her, but he couldn't feel her feeling. At the end of the story, he followed her, entered the forest with smile.


I thoght this is so deep and difficult story . Stanley seems like he just wanted his family to be alive. But once dead, living things do not come back to life. I felt that he wanted to denied it.

In my opinion, the creater of this work wanted us to think about what is lfe more deeply.

My high school

 Today I went to my high school to help with my old teacher's lessons. I was really happy to see him again, also some of my classmates were there so I had a little conversation with them. Before we left, he offered to have dinner with us sometime. I definitely wanted to have dinner with my friends and my teacher.

Stanley Pickle


Stanley Pickle is a boy who lives with his parents that "malfunctions" sometimes. One day Stanley sees a girl outside of his house having a fun time with a bird but is too shy to see her face to face. The next day, Stanley peeks out of his window again and sees that the bird has died and is being buried by the girl. Stanley digs up the bird and brings it home to bring it back to life. Stanley manages to revive the bird but the bird scares away the girl. The next day Stanley's parents completely break down and Stanley buries them both. After burying his parents, Stanley happily runs into the woods. 


I thought that this was an odd film and a little bit unsettling. However, I thought the idea of using humans in a stop-motion film was brilliant and matched the atmosphere of the story. I think the creator of this story wanted to portray Stanley as someone who can't be understood by others but is also a hidden genius. The scene where Stanley performs surgery on the bird makes it look like he is a psychopath, but in reality, he is just trying to make the girl happy again. However, one great point to be discussed is why Stanley runs happily right after he buries his parents. He did look sad in the beginning but it seems like he gets over it in a few moments. I think Stanley created his parents in the first place to get over loneliness. This film needs a lot more explanation to get the full picture, but the mystery makes it very interesting and discussable. 

Stanley Pickle


The scene starts with the main character having breakfast with his parents. While living an ordinary life, he saw a girl playing with her pet bird one day. However, the bird died due to an accident and the girl was crying. He saw her face was full of sadness, it turns out the boy unburied the bird and transformed it into a robot? using a screw roll. When the boy shows the bird to the girl, she runs away from him showing rejection. After that event, he started to think about what he had done, suddenly packed up his stuff, and started down a new path.


This is my first time seeing a stop-motion video using a real person. The main feature of this video is characteres was a doll with a screwdriver. I thought it was a great idea to use stop-motion to present unrealistic movements of humans. The video was uncomfortable in a series of ways, and the boy was terrified when he turned birds and even his own parents into puppets as a mad scientist. In the final scene, he's rejected by her so he can learn about the outside world.

stanley pickle

 Stanley Pickle lived a mechanical life surrounded by machines including his parents. He hated going outside his mechanical home. One day he saw a girl who was enjoying the natural world outside and he fell in love. He tries to attract her however it doesn't work out as he expected. From that experience, he rethinks about his life and human nature

I thought stop motion was the best way to create robot characters with human actors. In the film, Stanley decides to destroy and bury his parents which was an important choice for him. Since he was literally the GOD of his house he had enough with his life including the false love from his parents. I believe this symbolizes how people change from what there is stick to.

My new guitar.

 Recently, I have bought a brand new guitar for myself on a four year (loan) contract. I have just payed my very first fee for this guitar and I wanted to share some pictures I just took in my room.

Monday, June 10, 2024


 This is what I ate for dinner today. It was really good.

This weekend

 Over the weekend, I studied some Spanish and practiced guitar. Time flies for me when I'm practicing guitar!

"Stanley Pickle"

Stanley, the main character lived with doll parents. He spotted a mysterious girl from window and saw her burying a dead bird. He turned the bird to a wind-up toy, but it just ended up scaring her. As he was disappointed about it, he got tired of his mechanical parents also. He buried his parents like as the bird and went off for an adventure. 

Message of the film:

From the story, I found the themes of power of emotion and that lives can’t be replaced or recovered. 

I think the creator of the film made the contrast between human (Stanley) and the doll (his parents) to emphasize the power of emotion. Stanley, who has emotion got moved by his feelings, such as liking someone, feeling blue, disappointed. His act is coming from his emotions. On the other hand, his parents who doesn’t have emotions repeats the unchanged days and doesn’t get bored or any feelings. This contrast indicate how humans are surrounded by emotions and importance of it. 

The scene of failing to recover the bird depicts that lives can’t be replaced or recovered. He was expecting the girl to be happy by seeing the bird moving again, but that wasn’t the case. From this, he learnt that it can’t have another life and doesn’t mean a thing just because it’s moving. This shows the importance of lives and the preciousness.