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Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Varmints' story starts with an unknown character looking happy in their environment. The environment was filled with greens and was overall a happy place. However, that greenery filled city soon turned into an eerie city filled with tons of towers while the grass turned into concrete. And all of the different animals looked like tired and angry businessmen. The main character then spent a few days in an uncanny apartment cherishing the leftover plant that the apartment had. Soon after, he met another animal that was the same kind as him in the elevator, and he kept her in thought throughout the story. He then decided to go outside to gather some water for his plant, when he found a circle blob that was kind of squishy. He didn't know what it was, but kept going about his day. Later, the city started to rumble, kind of like an earthquake, and the character knew he had to run away. When he looked outside during that "earthquake" he saw all of the animals of his kind escaping the city using the squishy ball that turned into a big transportation tool which looked like a jellyfish. He thought to run, but he remembered the animal who he saw in the elevator, and went back to get her, but she had already ran and she was not in her room. He came back running up the stairs to go, but was too late. However, the jellyfish for some reason came back for the character, which saved him in the end. 


I thought this story was something that was easy to understand, but still it had a deeper meaning behind it, which made it more interesting. I felt like the stories' deeper meaning was associated with our real life. For example, our world used to be filled with greens but later turned into a place filled with buildings and people that are miserable from working. Moreover, by adding the "girl" character in the film made it seem a little like a love story which didn't really go anywhere, so I didn't understand the meaning behind that part. However, when the main character got saved by the jellyfish, I thought maybe that part had to do something with it. For example, I thought that it could mean that the jellyfish saved him because of his kindness. From this story, I wish to protect and cherish the nature like in the story and never take anything for granted. 

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