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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The lost thing

The video, lost thing made me try hard to understand its context. At first, I thought the story was about something that slipped out of someone's possession and is gone, but it wasn't. Instead, It was about a mechanic creature that got lost from its place of origin, and ended up in human world. On top of that, it's only visible to the young people, or people who somehow noticed that there is such an obscure thing(the robot) in the human world. In my perspective, there are two things that this movie went to show. First of all, there might be a people around us, who doesn’t reach for help, having huge problems that are worth some attention. Secondly, no matter how alien the things or people look, or are, there definitely are their origins to respect and embrace.

1 comment:

Dr. Armstrong said...

Hey Rick, the idea was to apply the six literary terms (Setting, Conflict, Climax, etc.) to this video.