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Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Lost Thing


Location: A dystopian, anti-liberal city
Time: Modern (or near future)

Main Characters 

The boy and the lost thing.


The boy and the lost thing vs society
The boy vs his parents
The boy's own dilemma


The scene where the boy and the lost thing finally find a world where the lost thing belongs.


I see the lost thing as a symbol of what adults have forgotten in the world depicted in the film: innocence, emotion, creativity and individuality. The Federal Department represents the lifelessness and loneliness of a society that values only uniformity and efficiency, while the world of lost things that appears at the end symbolizes the brightness and richness of a world with imagination and diversity.


The boy, who was able to recognize the existence and value of the things that were lost, gradually lost that ability as he remained in his own world and grew into an adult.


What the filmmaker wanted to convey through this film is that when people become adults and get busy, they lose sight of many things, forget about them, and no longer notice the value or greatness of those things. And a society filled with such people is dark, depressing, and uninteresting.

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