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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Club camp ②

 On day 2, we started off the day by hearing presentations from seniors who have continuously been active in the world. It was very interesting to listen to what the major factors were for them to make their decisions and what they were able to achieve through their challenges. 


In the afternoon, my group was told that we were chosen to present our findings to everyone in front of the stage as a representative of the English team. We were told all of a sudden, so we immediately made corrections and got ready to think up the script and how to present our findings. Without realizing it, the presentation section started and we were on stage. At first, my legs and arms were trembling, but as soon as the presentation started, I was enjoying the time with my group, sharing our findings with everyone. 


The whole experience I had in this 2-day camp was a memorable one and my thought of wanting to become a global leader to contribute to society became stronger!

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