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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Club camp ①


 Last weekend, I participated in my club activities camp program called “Blue Odyssey”.Participants from the same club activity from different universities gathered and did several activities to understand global issues and solutions. This camp was separated in the East and the West and I participated in the East side, where I was able to make friends from many universities such as Meiji, Rikyo, Sophia, Waseda, Keio, Tsukuba, and Tokyo University. 

 On the first day, we started off by introducing ourselves to our individual group members and chose one SDG problem to debate and discuss. My mentor was a senior from Keio, and group members were from Meiji and Rikyo University individually. My group chose the SDG goal no.17 “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development” because we all agreed that partnership is the most important thing when it comes to sustainable development. We discussed and came up with 3 sections, pain, parties and why. In the pain section, we searched up what kind of global issues are still going on, discussed who is involved in these issues in the parties section, and conferred the reason why global partnership is hard to develop. 


 At night, we visited the seniors and heard a lot of personal experience talks like what financial support aid they programmed in their overseas travel, how they contacted the overseas branch, and what kind of skills they were able to earn and hone.

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