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Sunday, May 12, 2024

about the lost thing

I couldn't see something high-tech and the TV was quite old, I think its around 1950s, somewhere Europe.

the guy
the lost thing (looks like an apple)
guy's parents
some of the guy's friends

the guy vs the world; the guy maybe recalled some of his childish feelings, but others seem not to have the feelings.
the guy vs himself; he could be wondering if he completely get rid of his childish senses.

the climax will be the finding of "another world". the Apple-looking Monster finally found a place where there are many creatures like the Apple.

the Apple monster: the senses of childhood, fun, positiveness
the society: unkindness, tired, not fun
another world: that people have their senses of the childhood actually exists

the guy seemed to be the rare one that has a sense of childhood, though he finally decided to get rid of it.
that he was enrolled in the busy tiring society, and coincidently finds the sense of childhood.

the story was like the Peter Pan. most of the people around the hero has lost "the thing" but he can see, play with it and that means he hasn't lost the sense of his childhood yet.
these days I feel that I'm quite busy about university and not as free as before.

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