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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Eating better (+additional note about blogger)

Recently, I’ve started to notice that I have been gaining weight. And realized that I have mostly been eating only instant noodles for the past few weeks. Instant noodles are cheap but they contain a lot of carbs and unhealthy things that could eventually lead to cancer. On Thursday I opted for a more healthier solution by eating onigiri and some other things I brought from home. Let’s just say it was delicious and also felt like a better option than having the same unhealthy noodles everyday. Also I have noticed that when I write down memos for blogger on my iPhones memo app, I tend to forget to post it online (I used up my data and had to rely only on wifi when it was available) I tend to question myself if I’m starting to lose memory. All jokes aside, I definitely should try and do everything to remember to post what I wrote :(

1 comment:

Honomi said...
