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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Questions related to the Video (Tezuka Osamu’s ‘The Mermaid’ 1964)

 Who are the characters?

A boy on shore, a mermaid→ a fish, the police, government, society, the boy’s parents.

What kind of discussion do you think the creator(Tezuka Osamu) of the video wants us to initiate?

About how the world has forced us to close out our minds to freely think and perceive how we want. I personally think that it was meant to give us time to think what it means to live  and grow as a person and what limiting our creativity can do to us (from a negative standpoint), and how the world generally frowns upon people who think differently.

What happened at the end of the video (in your opinion support with evidence from vid)  

My guess is that either the boy slowly going into the waters is a hidden message of suicide or either the boy accepting how people think of his way of perception of reality and fully embraced his own thoughts again. 

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