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Saturday, April 27, 2024

Osamu Tezuka's Mermaid

     We start of with the video with a young man on a beach looking at a pool of water. where he meets a mermaid. From there we see the man's imagination come into play, from manipulating his environment like the clouds to turning it into a surfboard,  and going underwater for a long period of time, and playing with the mermaid. The video mood shifts when we see his parents looking at the man watching his fish pond. here we learn that the man was just fantasizing, however, fantasizing was not permitted in the world where the video was taking place. The man was tortured every time he tries to imagine and was forced to move away with his imagination, however, we see the man would not forgo with his imagination.

    I believe this video has a deep season of free thoughts and unit suppression.

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