Welcome to the IE III Class Blog

Enjoy interacting with class members!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024


 Otcapodi 2009


When-recent years



The orange octopus

The pink octopus

The driver


The octopuses vs the driver

The driver vs environment


The driver drives strait into the ocean


water= freedom

When going from pool to pool it meant that the octopuses were out of the reach of the driver

When the driver fell into the ocean, the octopuses were finally free of getting slaughtered


changed the pink octopus’s destiny out of love


Even though the driver was able to catch the octopuses in his hands, he let go because he was gonna crash


Never give up

Love persists

One thing is not worth that much hassle

Not all efforts will be rewarded


Hi I am a twitch streamer. I stream on MuscleGirls88(group official channel,30k followers ),and menhera muscle(private one). This week I had a charity stream with an activist for Palestine. I made $157. I donate all of it.
I usually stream "just drinking and chatting"and "game and demo".
Are you bored? Click the links below to kill boring time.



-The boy

-The mermaid/fish

Message of the animation:

How the government silences opinions and voices they deem to be "unrealistic" or something they don't want the citizen to believe in. The oppression that people who chose to speak freely face.

What happened at the end of the video:

After years of the government and those who have power tried to brainwash the boy into thinking that the mermaid didn't exist and that what it really was was a fish, he was released from the prison. He then went into the ocean, turning into a merman himself. I believe this was Osamu Tezuka's way of expressing that the boy was finally able to gain free speech and to live with his fantasies. 


 I think the creator of the mermaid story wanted to tell us that everyone has a different perspective in every aspect of the world. And so, don't discriminate and please respect people that has different opinions than you. 

about Mermaid

 I was absent but my friend told me that there's homework. I genuinely appreciate it.

The Main Character

 I assume that the main character of this animation is the boy who met (or just saw?) the mermaid. That is just because the story mainly continues with this man. 

What the author wants to tell

 This work presumably implies importance connected to freedom of expression. When the author, Teduka Osamu was small, it was before the end of WW2, so freedom of expression was not fully secured. In that situation, it could be said that there were some hard times for him to express what he really thinks, like the boy in the video. This animation was made in 1964, but I think he wanted to tell us about it and to think about it again even though freedom of expression is now fully guaranteed.

The end of the video

I think the last part means too much restriction or oppression can kill a person. I think it's a really common situation and that can happen in every situation like oppression from parents or teachers, too much work or even too much pressure from others. In the scene that the boy went away in the sea with the mermaid, it looks as though he went away quite calmly because he was there with what he believed, so i think it’s important to respect what people think and not to oppress what many people say and think. It's clear that it also connects to more diverse imagination and creativity.


 main character→ the boy 

I think the author Tezuka wanted to tell us how much imagination is a wonderful power givin to us.

In the video the boy was forced to take away the power to imagine, and didn’t have true freedom.

In the end, when the mermaid appears in front of the boy again, I believe the boy had escaped from the regulated society and claimed back his right to think and feel freely.

Questions related to the Video (Tezuka Osamu’s ‘The Mermaid’ 1964)

 Who are the characters?

A boy on shore, a mermaid→ a fish, the police, government, society, the boy’s parents.

What kind of discussion do you think the creator(Tezuka Osamu) of the video wants us to initiate?

About how the world has forced us to close out our minds to freely think and perceive how we want. I personally think that it was meant to give us time to think what it means to live  and grow as a person and what limiting our creativity can do to us (from a negative standpoint), and how the world generally frowns upon people who think differently.

What happened at the end of the video (in your opinion support with evidence from vid)  

My guess is that either the boy slowly going into the waters is a hidden message of suicide or either the boy accepting how people think of his way of perception of reality and fully embraced his own thoughts again. 

my interests

 I usually watch Anime on my days off. I also like to read manga and here are some of my favorite Anime and Manga:)

Monday, April 29, 2024

self intro

 I noticed I hadn't introduced myself in my first blog, so sorry for being late.

My name is Rika!

I used to live in Australia until the 3th grade of primary school ended, for about 4 years.

I now live in Saitama with my mum, little brother, and my pet hamster.

My dad is living in Brazil for his work now.

The veeery late introduction of myself.

 Hello everyone in 1B class. My name is Rick Arai. First of all, I do apologize for posting the introduction this late, in the END of April.  My hobbies are, traveling with trains and driving cars .(now that I have driver's license.)  Im looking foward to having interesting discussion with all of you every week, and also looking foward to seeing any of you any time.         

                                                    Rick Arai    Sincerely 



Thoughts about Mermaid

I saw Osamu Tezuka's short anime video called "Mermaid", which is very interesting to watch an old animation look like.

The main characters 

The boy 

What is the main purpose of this video

I think the main idea of this video animation is to emphasize the significance of preserving imagination.  In this video, the main character meets a mermaid through his imagination. After he dived into the ocean, he was apprehended by many police officers and taken to a facility in an attempt to erase his memory of the mermaid.  This country does not allow people to have their own thoughts and the main character looked adolescent in the video, it seems to imply that the free individuality that children have is erased by a controlled society.

What is your opinion happened at the end of the video. 

The boy escapes from the country and moves into a different place where imagination is not prohibited. 



    I think main character of the movie was the man who met with the mermaid. when i watched the movie, i felt that the mermaid did exist just in that man's dream, and not in reality. for example, looks like his family and polices couldn't see mermaid but a little fish!
    I think Osamu Tezuka wanted us t think about how important imagination is, and how we should respect each other's ideas. we often see porople discuss about something, and they sometime say " your idea is completely wrong! you must think THIS way!". I think he wanted to us leave from this kind way of thinking, and be more respectful.
    In my opinion, the man died by torturing, and end of his life, he imagined his dream, which is playing with the mermaid.

Shimpei Sugai


 I  have nothing to write 

So I will just share a great song. It's in Japanese.



 Main character: the boy 

I really feel the same ambience as 1984 where the government censors people's mind and restrict creative thinking.I thought that the fish(mermaid) symbolizes the boy's thought and the sea as the freedom. As the boy took the fish home and put it in the tank(restricting from freedom) he got arrested and tortured to regulate his thoughts(I guess it is linked).

In the end, the boy got fins and swam in the sea with the mermaid.This shows how boy got free from the censorship and killed himself by drowning.

Mermaid by Tezuka Osamu

I think that this animation film criticizes people who tries to regulate the freedom of imagination. The characters are the boy, the mermaid, the military or a police and the boy’s parents. At the beginning of this film a boy finds a fish and thinks it is a mermaid. However, the freedom of imagination was not allowed in this country. People who seem to be a military or a police tries to make the boy forget the mermaid by torturing him. Eventually the boy has forgotten what the mermaid looked like. At the end of the film the boy gets expelled from the country. In this scene the mermaid appears again. You can tell that it is not a real mermaid since the people looking at the sea stood still didn’t seem to be surprised. I think it suggests that the boy was free from the regulation and was able to imagine things again. 

I think that Tezuka Osamu wants to tell people that to imagine things is a wonderful thing to do since the scene where the boy and the mermaid was swimming was depicted beautifully. In fact, some of his manga works like “Mighty Atom” were created with his imagination. I think that the discussion Tezuka Osamu wants us to have is about how wrong it is to restrict freedom of thought.


 Main character: the boy 

I think Tezuka tried to show us how silly totalitarianism and thought censorship are.

No one can control others’ mind. We are mentally free. But under censorship, oppression and punitive society, some ppl can’t physically  survive. The boy died to protect his freedom.


have you ever played chess?

I recently entered the chess circle. it's quite similar to shogi in Japan, but I like the three dimensional shape of the chess pieces. 
I will learn a lot and get stronger.

Sunday, April 28, 2024


 The main characters: 

the boy and the mermaid (she is actually a fish)

The message of this video:

I think Osamu Tezuka appeals to society through this video that people should bear up under the social oppression and it is important to have a luxuriant imagination. 

What happened at the end of the video:

At the end of the video, the boy sees the mermaid again and he also transforms into a Merman. I think that means that the boy regains the power of the imagination. 

My weekend

 Since it was raining all week, I was not able to do my laundry.Therefore I pretty much spent my weekend doing my stacked-up laundry. I also threw away the trash and cleaned my apartment room just a little. Today I did some of my homework and reports. In my free time, I binge-watched some anime that came out last week and played a game call Final Fantasy XIV. Finally,
I'm thinking of working out before going to bed tonight

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Tezuka Osamu "Mermaid"

The main character: the boy, the fish (the boy imagined itn as a mermaid)

I think that the message of this video is simple and it tells us that imagination is important.The boy was deprived of his power to imagine in the middle of the movie and didn't have freedom.In the end of the video,the boy transformed himself into an imaginery being and gained true freedom.

Osamu Tezuka's Mermaid

     We start of with the video with a young man on a beach looking at a pool of water. where he meets a mermaid. From there we see the man's imagination come into play, from manipulating his environment like the clouds to turning it into a surfboard,  and going underwater for a long period of time, and playing with the mermaid. The video mood shifts when we see his parents looking at the man watching his fish pond. here we learn that the man was just fantasizing, however, fantasizing was not permitted in the world where the video was taking place. The man was tortured every time he tries to imagine and was forced to move away with his imagination, however, we see the man would not forgo with his imagination.

    I believe this video has a deep season of free thoughts and unit suppression.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Thoughts on “Mermaid”

 The main character of this video is a boy with a rich imagination. I believe that Osamu Tezuka tried to raise the awareness among viewers about the situation in which human imagination is being lost in a society that is trying to standardize people's thoughts. At the end of the video, when the boy goes into the sea the mermaid appears again, which I believe represents the boy escaping from such society and regaining his free will.

"Mermaid" by Osamu Tezuka

Who is the main character?

A boy

What do you think is a discussion/conversation that the creator wants us to be part of?

People criticized a boy’s imagination and banned to be in a fantasy. I think a discussion in this video is if it's a bad thing to be in a fantasy, and whether he deserved the punishment.

What do you think happens at the end of the video and why? 

I think a boy swimming with mermaid means that he decided to live in a fantasy. I also think the ocean imply freedom and release from restriction. Other people watching him swimming could be the depiction of estrangement with him.

Nothing much of anything

 It’s a been a few weeks since my start at Aoyama Uni. I have kinda gotten used to the lifestyle here.

Anyway, I’ll post another picture of a random cat I’ve gotten from the internet.

Oh I also need to finish my HW about the video

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Tezuka Osamu "Mermaid"

The main character of this video is a boy and a fish which the boy sees as a mermaid. Sub-characters such as parents, scientists, and the military are also illustrated as a symbol of denying the boy's claim of the fish being a mermaid.

I believe the message of this video is to not criticize one's ideas or thoughts just because it is against the majority. In the video, imagination was banned and the boy was punished through prison lock-up and electric wires. Imagination is one of the things humans can only do, so it is important to acknowledge this ability and consider imagination as a special skill. By understanding different perspectives, I think we can expand our field of views.

Nothing much

There is nothing really special this week so I'll just go to class and play my guitar at home. Since I have quite a lot of free time, I will work on my essays and study for my Spanish classes. Speaking of Spanish, I downloaded a language-studying app on my phone to study Spanish because I want to be able to speak Spanish. I'll make sure to study on the app every day.

The video of Mushi Production

1. The main character was the boy who lived along the shore.

2. I think the creator wants to tell us that there are some people who have a special kind of ability. It could look special or fantastic thing to us, but the person does not always regard it as special. We should not interfere much.

3. The boy would leave the human world. He may be the person without a certain place.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Thoughts on "Mermaid" by Osamu Tezuka

 The main characters of this cartoon are a boy and a fish in a fishbowl (in the boy's perspective, a mermaid). I assume Osamu Tezuka intended this cartoon to be a warning that a nation with restricted ideas and thoughts could lead to the creation of a violent government. I also thought that this cartoon had a similar plot to the novel "1984", which I'm going to write my book report on. The ending is difficult to understand but I think the boy was exiled from the country never to return.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


 Hi! My name is Asahi Oyamada.

 I was born in Sydney located in the south east coast of Australia and spent almost 9 years there. After living in Sydney, I moved to Singapore due to my father’s job and lived there for about 6 years. I spent my elementary school in both local and international school and went to a Japanese secondary school in Singapore.

 My hobbies are to play sports, watch movie and collect Pokémon cards. I hope in making many friends and know lots about other classmates!

Not really feeling nice

  I was absent because I have a quite high fever today. By the way, I'm planning to write my book report with The Jungle by Upton Sinclair.

these days

 These days, I really do nothing so I have nothing to write about but I'm going to a concert on beginning of May so I'm thinking of my next hair color!I'm stoked about the concert😓

 About me

Instagram @sino_muscle02

I forgot to post self introduction last week .

I am nonbinary and xenogender. Also on AroAce spec. Also autistic.

I work at a concept cafe, Muscle Girls Bar(famous) and stream on twitch https://m.twitch.tv/menheramuscle/home

I’m against all discrimination and violence. I study linguistics(pragmatics), philosophy and politics.

I’m interested in how presuppositon can make an utterance oppressive. I have many to read. Relevance theory, speech act, linguistic imperialism, prototype theory, structurism, Levinas,Arendt,Derrida,Foucault,Butler.

book report

 The three books I'm interested in is, "I, robot" because I saw that there was a movie about it, and thought it would be interesting to compare the two. And the second book is. "in her shoes" I just read the synopsis and thought it was interesting. Finally, "animal farm". I just simply love animals so I thought it would be cool. 

book report

 And then there were none

animal farm

I'm considering these two books.

Book report

1.The Grapes of Wrath by John Ernst Steinbeck (1939)

2.A Christmas carol by Charles John Huffam Dickens (1843)

3.The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (1925)

I’m debating which one of these three books to read. These were made into a movie so I’ll watch all the movie before my decision. 

Book report

 I have three books in mind for my book report which are, To Kill a Mockingbird, Fahrenheit 451, and 1984. All of these books are ones that I've always wanted to read so I'm very excited about the book report. Also, all three of the books have a movie version so I'll go watch them all.

Monday, April 22, 2024

About the book report

 I am thinking of writing a book report on "Pride and Prejudice". I first read the Japanese version of the book when I was in junior high school, and since then I have enjoyed this story many times, not only in book form but also in the movie. When I studied abroad in Vancouver three years ago, I bought the English version of "Pride and Prejudice" at a local bookstore. I gave up because there were many difficult expressions, so I would like to read it to the end and write a book report including my own analysis, research results, and impressions.

Book report ideas

 The book I want to read for my book report is “Fahrenheit 451.” This is one of the books that my English teacher recommended me when I was a high school student but I havent read it yet. I’m not sure how difficult it is for me, but I’ve read the summary and it seemed really interesting! I also want to read “Bridget Jones’s Diary.” This book was made into a movie and it is on Netflix. I’ve always wanted to watch it, so if I chose this book for my book report I would like to watch the movie too.

Book ideas for the book report


For the book report, I’m thinking on “The Greate Gatsby”. 

I had this book at home but I haven’t read it properly, so I thought it’s a good opportunity to read this book.

I remember the English was little difficult for me but I’ll try learning new vocabulary.

Book report books

 My first choice so far is "Little Woman" by Louisa May Alcott. The book has many movie/video adaptations, the most famous one being the 1994 film and 2019 film directed by Greta Gerwig.

My second and third pick is "Howl's Moving Castle" by Dianna Wynne Jones and "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.

My dogs

I don't have much to write about my interests and hobbies so I have opted to writing about my dogs.
I have two, a toy poodle named Beck and a Kai (甲斐犬) named Lyla. 
Beck is a really sensitive dog and will react to any sound that our neighbors make and think it's a threat, barking at them all day.  We adopted him from a breeder (I think) and he has a cute little underbite.Lyla is the complete opposite, completely cool and collected, only barking if she thinks something is suspicious.

I'll attach a photo of them below!


Today I’m going to post a picture of one of the cats living in AGU.
This cat is called Asshii  (あっしー). He is usually in the bush by the junior college.
There are about 10 other cats in AGU, so I might post more pictures it if I can take a cute one!

Sunday, April 21, 2024

My interests

I love listening to various genres of music but I mostly listen to Rock and Metal music. I also play the guitar which entertains me more than any other thing. Another thing I like to do is to watch movies and TV shows. My favorite TV shows are, Breaking Bad, Peaky Blinders, and Stranger Things. 

Self introduction

 Hello everyone my name is Kenta Tajima. 

I'm very exited take take this class with all of you.

I'm from the prefecture of Gunma, however I moved in to Saitama prefecture to study at this university 

My hobbies are to watch and read Japanese and Western fims and books. I also like to play sports therefore every weekend I go to the gym and practice with my teammates.

I also have a visual impairment so may have times when it will be difficult for me to keep up with the class but I will do my best to do well in the class.

I'm looking forward to knowing everyone. Lets have a nice semester!!


Friday, April 19, 2024


 Hello I will introduce myself. My name is Anon.

  I live around Minato city so it’s pretty close from Shibuya. I have a twin sister and a dog. (He’s super cute) 

I like playing games, especially Identity V, and doing nails. 



 Hello! I’m Yuiko.

My hobby is to listen to K-pop and my favorite group is &TEAM.

I also like covering K-pop dances, so I’m thinking of joining a K-pop dance club called “Palan.”

I already joined a cat lover’s club. We feed the cats living in AGU. It is so much fun, so let me now if you like cats and interested in joining the club!

Thursday, April 18, 2024

My instrests

 Hi, I'm Hiromi. Today I would like to talk about my hobbies

I like to listen to music all the time and I listen to a variety of languages, Spanish, English, Korean, French, and so on. I especially love the band called 5 Seconds Of Summer, it is a pop, rock band in Australia. 

I also like to walk to random places by myself. I normally walk for four stations, enjoy some views, and look for cozy cafes. 

On top of that, I like going to karaoke when I'm stressed or bored. I'm not a good singer at all, although it is one of my favorite places to go. 

These are the hobbies that I enjoy, if there is anyone who also has the same hobbies as me, please talk to me :)  bye--------


Hi, I'm Kaede Kawamura.

I live in Kugayama, Suginami-ku. I recently got a kitten, and I'm enjoying my new life with him while also enjoying university life. 

I like singing, so I'm thinking of joining MBS and doing a cappella. If anyone is interested, let me know. We might be able to sing together!

Right now I'm a little worried about whether I can keep up with everyone else, but I hope I can work hard and improve.

What I'm interested about

I recently realized that I like English.

I like the linguistic side of english, like finding out where some words come from, finding out the common letters or common meanings between two or more words.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


 Hi. I'm Noa. I live in Gunma. It takes about 2 and a half hours to come to school.

I like to listen to music, especially J pop and K pop. Nowadays I often listen to Saucy dog.

I also like playing basketball and watching football. Nice to meet you all.

My English is not good. I ll try hard to improve it. 

First blog

 Hi, my name is Hugo Shinozaki. I was born in Tokyo.

 I used to live in Singapore for around 4 years.

Since ive been playing soccer all throughout high school, my hobby is watching soccer.


Tuesday, April 16, 2024


 Hello!This is Harune.Though I lived in America for 4 years, my English is not very good so please help me in class.(┬┬﹏┬┬)My hobby is to listen to KPOP music.And I also like to dance.If you tell me what kind of music you like,I'll recommend an KPOP artist to you so please feel free to talk to me!

My first Blog here.

 Hello! My name is Mitsuharu, and this is my very first blog. 

I currently live in Saitama and my hobby is to play guitar.

I also make songs using music software in my free time, but I rarely post my works online because I have a bad habit of trying to be a prefectionist when it comes to music. 

Oh! I also have a pet cat. Hes very energetic and adorable: 


 Hi, my name is YU, which is sometimes confusing when I say “I’m Yu.”

There’s no problem when it’s Japanese, but I have no idea how to avoid those mixed up in English.

I used to live in London for about 3 years, I think I’m good at English.

About my interest

hello, I'm Shimpei Sugai. and let me describe you about my interest.

I'm interested in being able to use English correctly!
It's because if I could use English properly , I can watch, hear and read more and more imformation around the world, and even can provide something to the world!

I think it is very important to get a imformation by myself, so I can think about it more deeply than just reading translated sentences.

A little about me

 Hi! My name is Yuka.

I live in Kanagawa. I used to live in America for about 6 years (age 5~12).

I was in the volleyball club all throughout middle and high school. 

My hobbies include: playing with my 2 dogs, and watching movies and anime.

My first blog


I'm Hiromi Araike 

This is my first time writing a blog ever. I'm from Tokyo Edogawa. I used to live abroad for about 9 years in total. I used to stay in Egypt, Switzerland, Bahrain, and Jordan. 

I look forward to talking to you all a lot!

Introducing myself


 I am going to introduce myself.

My name is Shimpei Sugai.

I don't have certain nickname so you can call me whatever you like!

I'm from Setagaya,Tokyo. 

In my free time,  I usually play some video games on my PC, and watch some video on Youtube. 

I like to listen to 70~90's music like AC/DC, Queen, and so on! 

I also like to enjoy recent indie band!

I have never been to foreign country, and I also naver talked to native English speaker. so maybe I am lacking common sense...

My English skill is terrible, so I may say something not appropriate or so rude sometimes, Im sorry. Please tell me if I said something wrong.

But I am going to do my best to improve my English!

thank you.


 Hi there. I’m Kijima. Some ppl call me Sino, Hokori-kun, Nils.

I’m queer and nonbinary. I go by they/them. My suffix is -kun. Do not call my given name ,it’s my dead name.

I’m against all discrimination and violence. FREE PALESTINE. Fcc gender norms!

If you’re interested in queer (lgbtq) stuff, talk to me.

hello world

 I legit just found out about this blog, nice to meet you all, see you guys in class

Monday, April 15, 2024


My name is Hina.
I will introduce myself in this first post!

I live in Machida city, about 40 min by train from Omotesando.

I have 2 cats.

In 11th grade, I studied in the U.S for a year. 

I like photography, so sometimes I bring my camera when I go out. Maybe I’ll share some pictures here in the future

See you in the next class:)

Sunday, April 14, 2024


Hi, I'm Taira! My American name is Tyler so please call me Tyler. 

The past 2 weeks have been very busy and exhausting but I'm very excited about studying with y'all!


 Today I worked 7 hours for my part time job, well of course I wasn’t willing to do so.

Can't believe my weekend is gonna end already OMG

 Since I did nothing on this weekend, I’ll just post a picture of cherry blossom which I took last week. It’s really beautiful:)


 Hi guys 

Let me introduce myself. 

I’m Honomi Noguchi. I was born in Fukuoka and lived there for 13 years. And than I moved to Germany to learn ballet. 

I hope you guys had nice weekend:) 

See you 

hello again

 I'm not sure if I have to upload Blogs this week, but it's better than nothing at least and... 

That's it for now.


 Nothing intersting so far today, but I ordered some textbooks. If not yet, here's the link below↓


Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Let’s get started

Anything you want to write about is fine. Introductions are nice. 

(Please designate your name when you sign in so that all contributors are not “Unknown.”)