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Monday, July 01, 2024

Passed the first driving test

Last week, I had a driving test of the first stage. I was nervous if I can do every missions right, but I'm happy that I could pass it without any big mistakes. Now I have to take the paper test about traffic signs and rules. They're kind of tricky so I have to study for it. If I could pass it, I can get provisional license and I'll be able to drive the real road!

My Cats

I will introduce my cats today:)
I have 2 cats of boy and girl twins. The boy’s name is Tora, and the girl’s name is Mike. Tora likes to eat and sleep, and Mike likes to play. They’re 10 years old. 

School Drama

 Recently, I've become addicted to watching Japanese school dramas from the Heisei era. They're very exciting and have a lot of romantic elements that make your heart flutter, so they're really interesting. I'll try to be careful not to stay up late watching too many dramas!


I've been thinking about getting a new guitar but its hard to choose from the big selection online. I'll think more about it before I buy one. 

Nothing much

I stayed home this weekend and worked on some of my reports.  I also practiced guitar because I will be playing Red Hot Chili Peppers in a band. I don't have much time so I'l practice as much as I can in my free time. 


 I'm taking this class on Mondays called introduction to english education. In this class, as a final project, we have to write 10 poems about the most important moments in our lives, with a description of each one. 

I just found out that the professor is grading each poem based on how well it is written and of its contents. I have no idea if any of my poems are good enough and I am starting to get worried... 

I regret taking this class every week...

driving school pt.2

 I've been going to driving school weekly nowadays.

I take two to three classes a day and I think its going pretty well. I thought I was falling behind but one of the instructors told me that I was actually on track. So that made me feel better.

overall, not bad driving?

SJS reunion

 Last weekend, I participated in a small reunion party and met my secondary school classmates after about roughly 5 years.  I was surprised to recognize everyone as they all had the same looks just that their heights had grown. I had so much fun laughing and chatting with friends, recalling the good memories we had in Singapore. What I thought was very special was we all sang "地球星歌~笑顔のために~" which we chose and won at the chorus festival back in the day. Singing with the original members was a very memorable moment and made me feel the unity once more. Some people couldn't attend due to schedules or where they live, but I  really look forward to meeting up all together soon.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

20th Birthday

 This weekend, my friends and family celebrated my birthday. Yesterday, my friends threw me a birthday party and we had fun eating and playing games. And today, I enjoyed a hotel buffet with my parents. I ate too much, so I’m stuffed. My 20th birthday celebration was very luxurious and memorable!


 I made pancakes. I wonder why it always go to the edge of the pan when I flip it.

Friday, June 28, 2024

This weekend

 Hii, this week I went to karaoke alone, although, I had my test the next day I was singing while studying. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024


 I don't know much about foreigncompany logos, but the logos I could barely find:

Macdonald, Nintendo, Hotwheels,Yoshinoya, Seven-eleven, Domino's pizza, SEGA, Taco Bell, KFC, Burger king, sprite, fanta, Big Boy, haribo, Master card, Pringles, Starbucks, M&M, Bluetooth, BMX, Rockstar, YAMAHA, Windows, Evian, The north face, Disney, Pepsi, NASA, 

I didn't expect that there are some japanese company's logo!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


This is another picture of a cat living in AGU. His name is Ikemike which stands for ikemenn na mikeneko, a handsome Calico. He is my favorite cat, but he rarely shows himself. I've only met about 5 out of 13 cats so far, so I hope I can meet other cats too!


On Saturday I went to my friend's house. We made a cat shaped cake! 🐱

Tuesday, June 25, 2024



The story takes place in Los Angeles where everything is a brand logo. The Pringles mascot flirts with an

 Esso Girl waitress while two Michelin Man cops talk about zoo ethics. Bob’s Big Boy and Haribo skip a

 zoo tour and bother the MGM lion. The cops chase Ronald McDonald, crashes near a Pizza Hut, and

 spills weapons. After a shootout, an earthquake occurs. Big Boy and Esso Girl escape in a stolen cop car.

 Ronald crashes and gets run over. They flee the flooding city and end up on a tiny island. The film ends by

 zooming out to show California shaped like the Nike logo and the universe filled with logos. After the

 credits, a beaten Ronald McDonald says, "I’m lovin’ it."


Pizza Hut, Lego, IKEA, Oreo, Wendy’s, nitendo, domino pizza, seven eleven, yoshinoya, KFC, microsoft,

yamaha, IBM, McDonald